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Employment Law

Employment Law (Plaintiff)

  • Kentucky is an at-will employment state. This means you can be terminated or punished in the workplace for any reason except an illegal reason. Laws including the Kentucky Civil Rights Act denote these exceptions. Put simply, you cannot be terminated for reasons such as your sex (including pregnancy and sexual harassment), your age if you are over forty (40) years old, your status as a smoker, your religion, your race/ethnicity/nationality, and your disability.
  • Not only is your employer prohibited from discriminating against you for membership in one of several classifications, but your employer should also refrain from retaliating against you for raising concerns of discrimination.
  • While the Kentucky Civil Rights Act does not yet protect employees on the basis of sexual orientation, the Lexington, Kentucky Fairness Ordinance does.
  • Meyman Law PLLC understands that racism and prejudice are alive and well in today’s society. We strive to help our clients heal and work to bridge the gap between injustice and recovery.
KRS 344.015
"Implementation plans for Federal Civil Rights Act, Title VI by state agencies."
Lexington Fairness Ordinance
"Sec. 2-33. - Discrimination due to sexual orientation or gender identity."
KRS Chapter 337
"Kentucky Wage and Hour Laws"

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You can contact Meyman Law, PLLC at 859-600-6529 or describe your situation here and you will receive a call as soon as possible.